Apre in giugno il museo online dedicato
a Bruce Springsteen
E' stato battezzato BlindedByTheLight.com il museo online dedicato a BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN
e che offrirà 300 articoli che hanno avuto a che fare direttamente col Boss. Il sito sarà inaugurato nel prossimo giugno, in coincidenza del trentesimo anniversario dell'album "Born in the USA".
Come riporta "Rolling Stone", il museo proporrà oggetti di sicuro interesse per i fan di Bruce come ad esempio testi manoscritti, poster e una copia della sua patente. Michael Crane, il fondatore del museo, ha riferito che intende offrire un premio ogni sei mesi. Il primo farà
sicuramente gola: l'artwork originale autografato di un album di Bruce. "Blinded by the light", come noto, è la canzone che apre l'LP "Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J.", il primo album di Springsteen.
Bruce e la E Street Band sono attualmente impegnati in un tour che terminerà il prossimo 18 maggio in Connecticut.
Blinded by the light (testo)
“Madman drummers bummers and Indians
in the summer with a teenage diplomat
in the dumps with the mumps
as the adolescent pumps his way into his hat
with a boulder on my shoulder feelin’
kinda older I tripped the merry-go-round
with this very unpleasing sneezing
and wheezing the calliope crashed to the ground
some all-hot half-shot was headin’
for the hot spot snappin’ his fingers clappin’ his hands
in the dumps with the mumps
as the adolescent pumps his way into his hat
with a boulder on my shoulder feelin’
kinda older I tripped the merry-go-round
with this very unpleasing sneezing
and wheezing the calliope crashed to the ground
some all-hot half-shot was headin’
for the hot spot snappin’ his fingers clappin’ his hands
And some fleshpot mascot was tied
into a lover’s knot with a whatnot in her hand
and now young Scott with a slingshot
finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sand
and some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers
daddy’s within earshot save the buckshot turn up the band
into a lover’s knot with a whatnot in her hand
and now young Scott with a slingshot
finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sand
and some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers
daddy’s within earshot save the buckshot turn up the band
And she was blinded by the light
cut loose like a deuce another runner in the night
blinded by the light
she got down but she never got tight
but she’ll make it alright
cut loose like a deuce another runner in the night
blinded by the light
she got down but she never got tight
but she’ll make it alright
Some brimstone baritone anti-cyclone
rolling stone preacher from the east
he says: – Dethrone the dictaphone
hit it in its funny bone
that’s where they expect it least -
and some new-mown chaperone
was standin’ in the corner
all alone watchin’ the young girls dance
and some fresh-sown moonstone was messin’
with his frozen zone to remind him
of the feeling of romance
rolling stone preacher from the east
he says: – Dethrone the dictaphone
hit it in its funny bone
that’s where they expect it least -
and some new-mown chaperone
was standin’ in the corner
all alone watchin’ the young girls dance
and some fresh-sown moonstone was messin’
with his frozen zone to remind him
of the feeling of romance
Yeah he was blinded by the light
cut loose like a deuce another runner in the night
blinded by the light
he got down but she never got tight
but he’s gonna make it, tonight
blinded by the light
he got down but she never got tight
but he’s gonna make it, tonight
Some silicone sister with her manager's mister
told me I got what it takes
She said I'll turn you on sonny to something strong
if you play that song with the funky break
And go-cart Mozart was checkin' out the weather chart
And go-cart Mozart was checkin' out the weather chart
to see if it was safe to go outside
And little Early-Pearly came in by her curly-wurly
And little Early-Pearly came in by her curly-wurly
and asked me if I needed a ride
Oh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer
Oh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer
playin' backyard bombardier
Yes and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent a dude with a calling card, he said, do what you like, but don't do it here
Well I jumped up, spit in the air, fell on the ground,
asked wich was the way back home
He said take a right at the light, keep going straight until right,
and then boy you're on your own
And now in zanzibar a shootin' star
was ridin' in a side car hummin' a lunar tune
Yes, and the avatar said blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we're gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon
And some kidnapped handicap was complaining that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last night
Well I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but he'd figured he'd be all right
He was just blinded by the light. Cut loose like a deuce
Another runner in the night. Blinded by the light
Mama always told me not to look into the sights of the sun
Oh but mama that's where the fun is
Yes and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent a dude with a calling card, he said, do what you like, but don't do it here
Well I jumped up, spit in the air, fell on the ground,
asked wich was the way back home
He said take a right at the light, keep going straight until right,
and then boy you're on your own
And now in zanzibar a shootin' star
was ridin' in a side car hummin' a lunar tune
Yes, and the avatar said blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we're gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon
And some kidnapped handicap was complaining that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last night
Well I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but he'd figured he'd be all right
He was just blinded by the light. Cut loose like a deuce
Another runner in the night. Blinded by the light
Mama always told me not to look into the sights of the sun
Oh but mama that's where the fun is
Altri testi su: http://www.testimania.com/testi/testi_bruce_springsteen_62/testi_greetings_from_asbury_park,_nj_3013/testo_blinded_by_the_light_35309.html
Tutto su Bruce Springsteen: http://www.musictory.it/musica/Bruce+Springsteen
Ho trovato queste interessanti informazioni - approfondimenti sul primo disco
del Boss e sul testo della sua prima famosa lunga autobiografica song che lo
apre. Il tutto tratto dal libro (frutto di tesi di laurea) di Patrizia De Rossi "Bruce
Springsteen e le donne - she's the one" (2014 - Imprimatur editore / RCS Libri)
- L u c i a n o n e -
Il primo disco di Bruce Springsteen, 'Greetings from Asbury Park', NJ, esce
il 5 gennaio del 1973 e si apre con Blinded by the light - In questo brano
Springsteen si presenta al mondo come teenage diplomat, un ragazzino
educato che gioca a baseball con i suoi Indians (la squadra di baseball in
cui S. giocava da ragazzino) e osserva la realtà e l'umanità che lo circondano
L'ambiente è quello del Jersey Shore, la spiaggia dell'Oceano Atlantico dove
si consumano amori e drammi, l'umanità è quella variegata e in alcuni casi
stravagante che popola non solo quella spiaggia ma anche i locali notturni, i
bar, le strade di Asbury Park, una cittadina di provincia ormai in disarmo dopo
aver vissuto fasti e onori alla fine dell'800 quando viene costruita come posto
di vacanza per i ricchi che si spostano da New York per andare al mare.
Asbury Park è un luogo ricercato, all'avanguardia per alcuni versi, pieno di
attrazioni e soprattutto vicinissimo a Manhattan da dove ci si arriva anche
con il treno. Questo fino alla fine degli anni Sessanta, poi comincia la crisi:
Asbury Park perde il suo appeal perchè ci sono nuovi posti da scoprire,
la gente non prende più il treno come prima, e comunque ci sono gli aerei
che ti portano molto più lontano nello stesso arco di tempo, perchè vengo-
no costruiti case e uffici più belli ed economici in città vicine che portano
via medici, avvocati, professionisti e impiegati. E allora la crisi colpice la
città, provoca malcontento e scontri. Quelli razziali, che avvengono nel
1970, non fanno sconti a nessuno portando al degrado i palazzi più belli,
i negozi, i bar, i locali e con essi la città stessa che diventa quella "town
full of losers" come la definirà espressamente Bruce qualche anno dopo
in Thunder Road e a cui fa continuo riferimento soprattutto nella prima
parte della sua carriera.
L'umanità che incontra in questa città alla deriva è costituita da ragazze che non vivonouna vita facile, che lottano ogni giorno per conquistare il loro posto nella società, ben
consapevoli di quanto questo sia difficile. Possono rimanere deluse, possono vedere i
loro sogni infrangersi, possono deprimersi, ma non getteranno mai la spugna, non mol-
leranno mai tanto facilmente, non andranno mai in crisi e seppure dovessero piombare
nella disperazione (cosa che nel corso degli anni inevitabilmente avverrà) continueran-
no a combattere e a non rinunciare mai alla loro speranza di vedere realizzati i propri
sogni. Non le vedremo mai annullarsi completamente e la forza dei loro sogni, e della
loro speranza, farà andare tutto per il verso giusto:
and she was blinded by the light
(ed era accecata dalla luce)
cut loose like a deuce another runner in the night
(tagliente come una deuce, che ancora corre nella notte)
blinded by the light (accecata dalla luce)
she got down but she never got tight, but she'll make it alright...
(si butta giù ma non andrà mai in crisi, e alla fine ce la farà)