mercoledì 3 settembre 2014

Istruzione - Inglese / The newspaper story (1)

3 settembre '14 - mercoledì         3rd September / Wednesday              visione post - 5

The return of Bonnie and Clyde
First part
The Friday afternoon before the Memorial Day weekend, Milwaukee banks
were crowded with customers making last-minute withdrawals and deposits.
Bank employees were particularly nervous that day because of the rash of 
bank holdups that had been plaguing the city for the past month;  twenty
two according to the police.  Accordingly, the stage was set for a comedy 
of errors that might have turned out to be a tragedy.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake - two law-abiding, churchgoing citizens - were mistaken
for a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde. While they were at the teller's window
of a bank, the bank's robbery alarm  went off  and  police  charged in  with 
guns drawn.   Mr.  and  Mrs. Blake , frightened by the alarm, were fleeing  
when they were stopped at gunpoint.
Appunti e note utili  con Vocabulary
deposits  -  money put in a bank  =  versamenti
employees  -  also spelled in American 'employes'  =  impiegati
rash  -  large number
plaguing  -  troubling, afflicting
police is always plural unlike the Italian singular la polizia
comedy of errors  -  comic errors or mistakes
law-abiding  -  obeying the law  =  rispettoso delle leggi
churchgoing  -  attending church services regularly  =  fedeli
modern-day  -  contemporary
went off  -  rang  =  ha suonato
drawn  -  ready to shoot
fleeing  -  running away  =  darsi alla fuga
Second part
"That's them!" the teller shouted accusingly. "The man and woman with 
the duffel bag."  -  "We were only making a withdrawal,"  Mr. Blake said,
insisting upon their innocence.
"Sure you were," said the doubting policeman, "you were just withdrawing
enough money to fill that duffel bag."  -  The hapless couple were hauled off
unceremoniously to the police station to be booked. Subsequently, the police
discovered a twelve-guage shotgun and "burglar" tools in their duffel bag

CONTINUA... to be continued...

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