14 aprile '13 - domenica 14th April / Sunday
Expressions and Idioms
Have/ Take a look (dare un'occhiata)
"Could you have a look at my document before I send it off?".
Look well / good / tired etc (indica l'aspetto che hai)
"You look well after your holiday!" - "You look good in that dress" -
"You're looking tired".
Looks (bellezza) - She's got her mother's looks.
Like / not like the look of someone (ti piace/non piace l'aspetto di una persona)
I don't like the look of him, I don't trust him.
Give someone a dirty look (dare un'occhiataccia)
He gave me a really dirty look when I asked him to move the car.
If looks could kill... (se si potesse uccidere con lo sguardo...)
I'll never forget the expression on her face when she saw me with Ted. If looks could kill...
Look a gift horse in the mouth (a caval donato non si guarda in bocca)
It's not the job of your dreams but it pays good money. Don't look a gift horse
in the mouth
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